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Sunday, October 9, 2011

2 am playtime and baby noises

Happy Sunday morning!! So let me just start out by saying Isaiah slept thru the night!!!  For all you sleepy moms out there please don't think I'm bragging!!  I'm just excited!!  And so I'm just all of you are thinking so what's with the 2am playtime then??  Oh that was the sweet child who has been sleeping thru the night for 6 months now, what??
Yep so about 2 am I start hearing noises and I think yep that Isaiah's normal time to eat, wait....That's Shaye laughing...So after 30 minutes of hearing her play I think, ok, maybe she's just lost her pacifier.  I go in there and she has one leg thru the rail swinging it, and is holding her monkey and talking to it.  As soon as she sees me she gives a big squeal! How can't you not love that, even at 2 am!  She played in her crib for at least an hour before she fell back asleep...this child just makes me laugh.

So what else is going on at our house?  Things are busy! Tim's work with our church and state is really picking up and we seem to be passing each other at the house at times (such is the season in our lives). We did have a sweet afternoon together last Saturday...The weather had cooled down to the 80's and we went to a local outdoor mall where a band was playing.  Shaye danced and played with other kids and Isaiah ate and slept.  The kids even allowed us to grab a burger a real dining establishment.  My dear husband gave up a Saturday of football for us!

Shaye is fully mobile!!  She's crawling, pulling up and cruising around furniture. She is loving self feeding (can we say messy!!) and growls at us if we don't feed her fast enough. Everyone of our kids has been different but she has definately been the most vocal out of all of them!  Which is suprising to us considering how laid back she is.  We always know where she is at.  She talks to her toys and every now and then yells at them.  All you have to do is look at her and she starts laughing!  Very much a self entertainer..which is good because Isaiah has been keeping us busy too!  She really likes Isaiah and wants to be near him, but hasn't quite figured out how to gently touch him.

Isaiah is growing and healthy!! He is up to 10 pounds and 9ounces now!  A real feat for him.  He is easy to feed now and is settling in to a nice routine.He makes the best noises when he is eating, he's so serious about it and grunts like a piggie!  He is definately our serious little guy. He looks at us with those wide eyes sometimes like, really??  His development is right on target for a premie as well.  His corrected age now is 6 weeks old, although he is now 4 months old by birthday.  He is starting to suck on his hands and really looks at you when talking to him.   He likes his tummy time, which is really helping his head to reshape itself. He is happiest when being held, a challange with two little kids! He still gives this momma plenty to worry about but we are celebrating how well he is doing.  One of my nurse friends stopped by yesterday and hadn't seen him in a while.  She looked at him and told me how good he looks, that makes my nurse heart worry at little less about him :)

Well, one baby's back to bed and the other is done with her snack, so it's time to run!
Love to you all!

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