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Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day

Mother's Day...Just the phrase alone creates so many different emotions. 

I remember just a few years back the total avoidance of the day.  I knew that God had a promise of a family for us, but as it was not yet fulfilled, I wanted nothing to do with that day.  Including scheduling myself to work so I wouldn't have to go to church :)

Then the last few bittersweet.  The last 3 Mother's Days I've held sweet children in my arms.  Happy and honored that I was chosen to be their mother, yet so sad knowing that they wouldn't be there forever. And always remembering the girls who had already left us. 

And this year...Today I am remembering my precious girls who I miss so much! They taught me to much about how to be a momma and how to love.  I never imagined that I could love like that. 

As I held Isaiah today I'm overwhelmed with emotion.  Everyday it is more promising that we will be able to adopt him in the fall.  It's almost surreal.  He is an amazing little man and is nothing like the little premature baby that we brought home in August!

And then I got an even more amazing Mother's Day gift...

This past week we found out that 2 more children will be placed in our home for adoption!! Isaiah's brother and sister!!!  No for his biological brother and sister!!  They have been in a wonderful Christian foster home for the last 2 years and now we have been given the opportunity to be their parents.  It's almost unbelievable. 

Lilyana is 4 and Daniel is almost 2...and yes Isaiah is almost 1  :)  Pray for us!  We are incredibly excited, nervous, happy and scared all rolled into one!  They are great kids, but at their ages the transition will be difficult at first.  We have already started visits with them and are hoping to bring them home the second week in June. 

We are asking for prayers for them to attach well to us, and a smooth transition. And pray that we know how to be the parents that they need.  We are so blessed that they have been in a loving stable home for 2 years.  We are very grateful to their foster parents.  Pray for the foster parents as well that they will be comforted when they leave. 

What a precious Mother's Day this year....We are finally having glimpses of a vision of what our forever family will look like.


  1. Couldn't have scripted a more beautiful story of a family becoming a family if I tried. What a plan He has for you and these siblings. So so so thankful! Good thing you have a van! :)

  2. Wow! Isn't God's perfect timing awesome?
    You and Tim have blessed so many and have been blessed and will continue to be blessed as these children of His are entrusted to you.

    God doesn't make mistakes and he knows the plans he has for you.

    I am so happy for you both and for your family!

    Love you and miss you,
    Aunt Tammy

  3. hooray for the crazy and wild adventure of being a child of God... i so look forward to seeing what He will bring to your home this next year. praying and loving you guys from far away <3

  4. Beth,
    I just shared this post with a friend connected with our church who has not been able to have children. She has become very bitter, please pray foe her. Her name is Audrey. I am so happy for you! I encouraged her to trust the Lors for His plan not hers.
    God Bless you and your family!
    Brenda Davis
