Sock Designs

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sunday morning and coffee...

Tim and Shaye are off to church, Isaiah is taking his morning nap, and I'm drinking my coffee....
Sigh, it's rare that our house is this quiet...I almost don't like it.  I prefer to hear the sounds of Shaye babbling, and Isaiah figuring out his the crying and whining I can do without! Don't get me wrong there are many moments during the day when I can't wait for naptime, but the happy noises are so much fun and these days are definitely fleeting. They will learn the word no all too quick!

It's funny how we often hear "How do you do it with babies that close?".  Well it's mainly because I have a fabulous husband!  Also they are getting to be pretty easy babies, finally.  Isaiah is starting to get on a more predictable routine and crying less, which leads to alot less stress at our house.  And Shaye has become quite the performer and is always trying to make you laugh.

In the quiet this morning I was catching up on one of my fav blogs.
It's written by a foster mom in Arkansas who has fostered over 50 kids.  She's pretty amazing.  God seems to be doing something new in my heart regarding foster care.  There are so many kids that need a temporary home...a good, loving temporary home.  I miss my girls something terrible, but I have been so blessed by them during their time here.  I really feel as if God's using us to help introduce more families to the idea of doing foster care.
  So many people say that they just don't know if they could handle letting the kids go after having them in their family for a while.  I don't mean to sound harsh, but it's really not about's about them.  They haven't been given the choice of being able to handle letting go of their biological families.  Many times they are taken away (for their safety) with no notice at all, or picked up from school or daycare. 
You don't have to be rich, you don't have to be married, you don't have to have all of the answers...Kids are looking for love and stability.
The latest statistic that I heard was that there are over 400,000 kids in the foster care system with 100,000 of them in need of an adoptive family.  And around 28,000 kids age out of the system each year without ever finding a family.
Please be in prayer of what you can do to be a part of these kids lives. 

Sunday, October 9, 2011

2 am playtime and baby noises

Happy Sunday morning!! So let me just start out by saying Isaiah slept thru the night!!!  For all you sleepy moms out there please don't think I'm bragging!!  I'm just excited!!  And so I'm just all of you are thinking so what's with the 2am playtime then??  Oh that was the sweet child who has been sleeping thru the night for 6 months now, what??
Yep so about 2 am I start hearing noises and I think yep that Isaiah's normal time to eat, wait....That's Shaye laughing...So after 30 minutes of hearing her play I think, ok, maybe she's just lost her pacifier.  I go in there and she has one leg thru the rail swinging it, and is holding her monkey and talking to it.  As soon as she sees me she gives a big squeal! How can't you not love that, even at 2 am!  She played in her crib for at least an hour before she fell back asleep...this child just makes me laugh.

So what else is going on at our house?  Things are busy! Tim's work with our church and state is really picking up and we seem to be passing each other at the house at times (such is the season in our lives). We did have a sweet afternoon together last Saturday...The weather had cooled down to the 80's and we went to a local outdoor mall where a band was playing.  Shaye danced and played with other kids and Isaiah ate and slept.  The kids even allowed us to grab a burger a real dining establishment.  My dear husband gave up a Saturday of football for us!

Shaye is fully mobile!!  She's crawling, pulling up and cruising around furniture. She is loving self feeding (can we say messy!!) and growls at us if we don't feed her fast enough. Everyone of our kids has been different but she has definately been the most vocal out of all of them!  Which is suprising to us considering how laid back she is.  We always know where she is at.  She talks to her toys and every now and then yells at them.  All you have to do is look at her and she starts laughing!  Very much a self entertainer..which is good because Isaiah has been keeping us busy too!  She really likes Isaiah and wants to be near him, but hasn't quite figured out how to gently touch him.

Isaiah is growing and healthy!! He is up to 10 pounds and 9ounces now!  A real feat for him.  He is easy to feed now and is settling in to a nice routine.He makes the best noises when he is eating, he's so serious about it and grunts like a piggie!  He is definately our serious little guy. He looks at us with those wide eyes sometimes like, really??  His development is right on target for a premie as well.  His corrected age now is 6 weeks old, although he is now 4 months old by birthday.  He is starting to suck on his hands and really looks at you when talking to him.   He likes his tummy time, which is really helping his head to reshape itself. He is happiest when being held, a challange with two little kids! He still gives this momma plenty to worry about but we are celebrating how well he is doing.  One of my nurse friends stopped by yesterday and hadn't seen him in a while.  She looked at him and told me how good he looks, that makes my nurse heart worry at little less about him :)

Well, one baby's back to bed and the other is done with her snack, so it's time to run!
Love to you all!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Here's the update on the kids.....

They just keep growing!  Of course, they are at the Gould house, what else do you expect?
Isaiah: He's finally starting to act like a regular baby and not just a preemie! I'm so happy that he has finally reached a point where he is easy to feed.  It no longer takes 45 minutes of prodding him to eat less than 2 ounces!  He's eating around 2-3 times at night and has figured out how to go right back to sleep after a feed.  During the day he's starting to have good awake time and his favorite thing is his bouncy seat, and of course we have to continually bounce it!
He is still on his caffiene and his monitor.  We went to his lung doctor last week and her plan is to see us again in October and stop his caffiene, then in November he shouldn't need his monitor anymore.  I have to admit, I sleep better at night knowing the monitor is on :)  He loves to snuggle and loves tummy time.

Shaye:  Lord have mercy she is crawling! She's not very fast and looks like baby Frankenstein, but she is moving.  She is obsessed with the cables to Isaiah's monitor and more than once the alarm has gone off and I've found the she has disconnected it from him.  I think we may have our hands full!  She loves for you to sing to her and when you do she starts moving her mouth like she wants to sing too.  Her favorite toy is her exersaucer and just about bounces out of it when she gets going!

We had a great visit last week with my parents!  Tim was out of town and I was extremely greatful for the help.  Isaiah loved to snuggle with mom! Dad and Shaye were instant pals and spent most of the time on the floor playing together.  Miss you guys!!

Well that's about all going on here. Continue to pray for us!


So I woke up this morning with the intent of writing an update on our ever-changing family, but I'm just a little overwhelmed with blessings that I feel like I should verbalize them....I'll get to the update later :)


1. My husband thinks I'm really...Yesterday he told me so. Lately in our house we've been having this little war of hiding things from each other. You know how you have that yummy snack that is your guilty pleasure and you really don't want anyone else to eat it, but you are too ashamed to admit it out loud? a joke we've taken to hiding that from each other, which is how my York Peppermint Patties have ended up in my underware drawer :) My latest accomplishment was finding Tim's Oreos hidden, so I emptied the package into a ziploc and hid it elsewhere, I then replaced the empty package where he hid it :) And the thought it was hilarious!! I'm thankful that he gets my sense of humor!

2. I got to sleep in today! And usually every Saturday! Now anyone who has had 5 infants in 2 years knows that sleep is precious! I'm so fortunate to have a husband who gets up with our babies on days I'm working. Then on the weekends it's my turn to do the night shift. But my sweet husband gets up around 7 on Saturday with the kids and keeps them quiet (as much as he can) and lets me sleep in.

3. Coffee, enough said

4. Amazing friends...I had a very special lady in my life this week. She was in the right place, at the right time, and stopped to ask me if I was really ok. Poor thing didn't realize that would open the flood gates!! And oh did I unload!! Even though the situations I'm dealing with haven't resolved my heart feels so much lighter from getting her perspective on it. I love you my friend!

5. Sweet babies...Every stage with my babes I swear is the best...(can you tell we haven't hit the terrible 2's yet?) Shaye is so sweet and funny, and Isaiah just loves to be snuggled with ( I keep telling him it's fine to be a momma's boy). They are healthy and growing and I just love them.

6. A funny, Quirky husband. So normally on a Saturday, my kid's are lucky to get out of their pajama's before 2pm. But on OSU game day, by 8am they are in uniform! I moan and harrass Tim about it, but I secretly think it's really cute (Shh...don't tell him)

7. My job...yes, I whine and complain about it but I'm very blessed. I have great co-workers!! We are a little family there. I know that they love our patients and want the best for them and I can trust them to take care of our patients. They are also some of the most hilarious people you will ever meet!!

8. My family...We are very lucky to have a supportive family. We live very far away, but know that we can count on them. God has also provided us with new family in Houston and I feel so blesssed to have them here! We can't imaging being anywhere else right now.

9. Noise...I love it when my house is noisy from kids! It makes my heart feel full

10. Quiet...I love it when my babies go to sleep!! Any mom will tell you that they love their children, but they love it when they sleep too!

Well, one of my blessings is making noise now and will probably want to eat soon!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Hey, my blog's still here!

Ok, So I'm determined to be better about this now :) Of course now that we are much more housebound with Isaiah it may be easier to do. 

So alot of people have been asking alot of questions regarding his plan, his health and when can everyone see him :)  Let me try and clear up some of that.

His plan: He is currently a foster-to-adopt placement. This means that he is a foster child but because it looks like he will eventually need an adoptive home CPS has placed him in a foster home that is willing to adopt him (thats us!).  As we all know CPS's first goal is always family reunification.  In his case he has several sibs that have already been adopted by other foster families...they have been unable to find any family members willing or able to take care of them.  The biological family has already stated that they are unable to take Isaiah as well.  This is very good for us!  With this process we still have to wait for the courts to terminate the parental rights, and then wait for 6 months before we can adopt him.  We are hopeful that his case will be fast-tracked and at the end of 6 months we can complete his adoption.  Keep praying that they are unable to find any other biological family.

His health: He was born 11 weeks early, and is now only 2 1/2 weeks away from his due date! For being so early he is doing really well!! The first few days home were a little rough, but we are getting in a good routine and he seems to be doing better.  His main issues are feeding...he's slow!  When we first brought him home he really couldn't figure out how to coordinate the whole suck, swallow, breathe thing while eating.  He would gulp some food, then huff and puff for a while. He also occasionally has some spells when he would stop breathing and you would have to stimulate him. He's so much better now!! Our first doctors appoinment he had gained a half a pound, and we go back on Tuesday for another weight check...I'm anxious to see how much he weighs now.  Just looking at him I can tell he's gaining weight, but the Mama nurse likes to see the numbers!  He will be our true test of the Gould baby fatening up program :) We are still having to wake him up every 3 hours to eat but there are a few times when he actually wakes up himself. 
He is having more awake times too.  When we first came home he would go right back to sleep after feeding him.  Now there are times when he stays awake and looks around for 30 minutes or so.  He has beautiful brown eyes!!
He is still on a heart and breathing monitor that alarms if his heart rate is low or if he stops breathing.  In the past week he has only had minimal alarms!! That has really decreased my anxiety!

When can we see him:
Well...because he is a preemie, it is much easier for him to catch colds, and a simple cold can put him on a ventilator in the hospital (and no I'm not just being a paranoid nurse!)  Starting in October he gets monthly immunizations to prevent RSV.  So we pretty much only take him out of the house for doctor's appointments, which means one of us is ALWAYS home with him (mainly Tim, since I'm back to work). 
Sorry, no trips up north unitl Spring when cold/flu season is over!
We are open to visitors, but only if you have been healthy.  :) And you all thought I was the hand sanitizer nazi before all of this!

How is Sophie Shaye doing?:
Well she had barely noticed him.  Sometimes when he crys, she will look over at him like "why does that doll baby cry?"  If we lay him down next to her she will show some interest but otherwise life is as it was before.  She is starting to try to get up on her hands and knees, so she is working on being mobile, ekkk.... She is still her happy, easy going self!!

So hopefully I have cleared up any questions....Thanks for all of the love and prayers coming our way!


Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sock Designs

So this Momma has a new project in mind!

I have discovered how to crochet beads and ribbon and make really cute little girl socks! My girls look adorable in them and I'm sure that yours will too.  They love wearing them because their feet make little noises with them on.
I'm selling them for $8.00/pair or $14.00/2pair.  (plus $3.00 shipping, regardless the number of socks)See below, you can choose from several different types/colors of beads and several colors of ribbon.

If you are interested either send me an email at or in-box me on facebook.  I'll reply back and let you know how soon to expect them in the mail.  At this point I'm not ready to do paypal yet, but when I receive payment via mail I'll send out the socks.

Feel free to tell all of your friends too!!

Ribbon Colors
Pink             Fuchsia
Purple          Black
Champagne  Brown
Light Pink    Hot Pink
White          Red
Royal Blue   Light Blue
Teal            Turquoise
Grape          Lilac
Light Purple Orange

Bead Types/Colors
Pony Beads
Pearlized Hot Pink
Hot Pink
Glitter Pink
Pearlized Pink
Pearlized Orange
Glitter Orange
Pearlized Yellow
Glitter Yellow
Pearlized Lime Green
Lime Green
Glitter Green
Pearlized Aqua
Pearlized Purple
Glitter Purple
Pearlized Light Purple
Light Purple
Pearlized White
Ring Beads

Star Beads
Hot Pink
Opaque Pink
Opaque Purple