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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sunday morning and coffee...

Tim and Shaye are off to church, Isaiah is taking his morning nap, and I'm drinking my coffee....
Sigh, it's rare that our house is this quiet...I almost don't like it.  I prefer to hear the sounds of Shaye babbling, and Isaiah figuring out his the crying and whining I can do without! Don't get me wrong there are many moments during the day when I can't wait for naptime, but the happy noises are so much fun and these days are definitely fleeting. They will learn the word no all too quick!

It's funny how we often hear "How do you do it with babies that close?".  Well it's mainly because I have a fabulous husband!  Also they are getting to be pretty easy babies, finally.  Isaiah is starting to get on a more predictable routine and crying less, which leads to alot less stress at our house.  And Shaye has become quite the performer and is always trying to make you laugh.

In the quiet this morning I was catching up on one of my fav blogs.
It's written by a foster mom in Arkansas who has fostered over 50 kids.  She's pretty amazing.  God seems to be doing something new in my heart regarding foster care.  There are so many kids that need a temporary home...a good, loving temporary home.  I miss my girls something terrible, but I have been so blessed by them during their time here.  I really feel as if God's using us to help introduce more families to the idea of doing foster care.
  So many people say that they just don't know if they could handle letting the kids go after having them in their family for a while.  I don't mean to sound harsh, but it's really not about's about them.  They haven't been given the choice of being able to handle letting go of their biological families.  Many times they are taken away (for their safety) with no notice at all, or picked up from school or daycare. 
You don't have to be rich, you don't have to be married, you don't have to have all of the answers...Kids are looking for love and stability.
The latest statistic that I heard was that there are over 400,000 kids in the foster care system with 100,000 of them in need of an adoptive family.  And around 28,000 kids age out of the system each year without ever finding a family.
Please be in prayer of what you can do to be a part of these kids lives.